Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Time, falling

Veined with pumpkin blood,
thin, flat palms pat
the earth.

Parlour room dusts
with evergreen feathers
for the new visitor.

Rounding up another year.
Dog whistling. 
Sheep chasing leaves
as the wind's hand
raises high
a confetti of memories,
dancing while falling.

Time, falling...

Hidden from the hand.

Take off your hat.

Monday, 26 September 2016

We Drink in Amber Bubbles

We drink in amber bubbles.
Remembering the life force you once had.
The life force you alone, extinguished.

we fill
our soul
with gifts of time.

Like George Bailey’s guardian angel
who points out
the time George saved his brother, who fell through the ice.
It made George deaf.

The time when your mother dropped the crystal glass and cried.
You swept up her tears.

The time when Mr Gower the chemist lost his son and drank. And drank.
Your watchful eye
prevented him
from mis-prescribing arsenic.
You never told a soul.

The time when you saw old Mrs Fletcher in the shop.
Counting her change. Twice.
You pretended she dropped a note on the floor.
You tapped her shoulder.
She looked back.
You never told a soul.

We drink in amber bubbles.
Your gifts of time to us.

You had a wonderful life.

Sheldon 's Theory

Don't buy me a present...
I will have to get you one back
What a waste of my precious time
I'm like Einstein
Wearing the same suit
Not as bright as I
bought several of the same design
To last a lifetime
And died unfashionable

The universe needs my time
Presents are a crime
What do I
Have to prove
With presents?
I don't like you much, anyway
Presents are just
Money recirculated
If I want anything
I purchase with care
I mean, who else really knows what I like?

Let's talk string theory
don't come near me
I do not hug

Fibonacci poem: Introvert Tongue

was too
much. I stopped
cough, sneeze, hiccup, belch (in private)
angry at my introvert tongue
Nobody listened
They made me
I made me

A Triolet: Sparks

Talking in the dark

Around campfire


Talking in the dark


of orange glow and energy flow

Talking in the dark

Around campfire


Perfectly proportioned peach


Hidden under gaudy shorts with palm trees

Desperate to be adored, to be pinched

For a warm hand to spank like a peach bongo

For a foot to affectionately kick

For a mouth to take a bite

For a pair of green eyes to covet

Hidden in owner’s bad taste apparel

Not even a faint outline of it's curve

Wasting it's life away

Frame it

Let droves of faces queue up to see it

Behind glass

PPPB 1983

Quick! Get Your Lows Whilst Stocks Last! (Audio Link)

Too much excitement in your life?
Sick of smiles and silly, supercilious, soulful speak?
Want to escape from sickening laughter?
Delightful felicities?
Chance serendipities?
Glee and jollity?
Well, look no further!
Get your very own Happiness Zapper
Comes in all sizes!
Handbag, Manbag, GrabBag, SatchelBag, ClutchBag, BaguetteBag, BowlingBag, DuffelBag, HoboBag, LaptopBag, MinaudiereBag, ToteBag, WristletBag
And now available in carrier bag!
Simply hold your Happiness Zapper for two minutes under running water…… Boom!
Bit of ol’Melancholia, Bipolar
Anxiety, Crisis Identity,
Attention Deficit, OCD a bit,
Postpartum, Separation, Public Masturbation, Mental Retardation
Exhibitionist, Narccissistic, Fetishistic Histrionic, Catatonic,
Tourettes, Stutters, Paranoiac Mutters….
Selective Mute…….
Available in all sorts of colours!
Grey, OffGrey, SlightlyGrey, GreyishGrey, DimGrey, AchromaticGrey, SlateGrey, NickelGrey, GainsboroGrey, SilverGrey, DarkslateGrey, LightslateGrey, Midslategrey, MeduimtomidslateGrey and MediumtomidslatewithsilverhighlightsGrey.
And now available in SpanishGrey!!!
6 for the price of 8
Available while stocks last!
Batteries required…..

On the moor.
Ragged as you were.
I saw you
through the cracked window,
where my dead hand touched yours,
where my name was etched in three on the wooden desk.

Your dark long locks fought the wind,
like your soul.
MY Heathcliff.
You destroyed everything…..

Yes, I became a lady, yet,
I loved Edgar, not.
It was always you…

Your face I saw
when I tangled in flesh,
trying to make a hybrid us,
with the wrong man

You walk this earth without me, yet,
I walk with you.
In you.

I look into your eyes of pain,
and I weep,
until you return to me.

Gatsby stood
glancing over dark water,
like Kant at his church steeple, gathering thoughts…

Curious tremble.
Arms outstretched towards emerald light.
The orgastic future,

Pursuit of a moment;
love frozen in his past.
His feminine jewel, his green, shimmering, feminine jewel.
Sipping chartreuse from fluted crystal.
Daisy, the dainty, docile, debutante, desired by young Americans.
The dream icing….
Surely a man could reclaim what was once his?….

Fifth avenue.
Dust. Car horns. Heat.
Yard-long billboard eyes
of bespectacled Dr. Eckleburg
watch Gatsby hand over
illegal liquor swag
for the mansion across the bay from Daisy…

Dr. Eckelburg doesn’t care.

Traffic lights say green! Go!
Go, go, green, run, faster, green, go, rev, light, run, go, fast

Green, go, rev, green, fast, go, go, go…

Daisy drove the death car that killed Myrtle.
Daisy let YOU take the blame….

Chartreuse frozen in fluted crystal.

Boats against the current,
bourne back,

ceaselessly into the past.
The Dry Grass Sings

An old photograph
With fancy edging
Yellowed, yet….
Black and white.
A teen Mutti in pigtails with yellow ribbon and a warm smile
Fresh from the League of German Girls
sits on a grey tombstone
among tumbled graves
outside the Liebefrauen kirche.
No epitaph….
Instead, imagined sounds…
a tolling bell keeps the hour
and the dry grass sings,
the hermit carrion peers from a pine tree
and sings, inwardly, the carol of death…
A teen towering over adults,
A teen conquering the wasteland, where
A musical family stand with dark hats,
Long, clasped fingers
and long, noir umbrellas, like stretched bats, with curved handles…
Serious countenances
With genetic, bushy eyebrows.
Eyes, glazed and milky,
Looking just off centre, some to the ground
At the legs protruding
Under black cloth.
No red eye
Only red eyes after the war

Comfort Food

So, let me hug you
with arms of freshly baked baguette.
Let me refresh you
with breaths of cool vinaigrette.
Let me seduce you
with eyes of tempting chocolate cake.
So, let me drench you
with tears of strawberry milkshake.


Timeworn café in Berlin,
the parents of apfelstrudel.
Warm Christmastide notes of cinnamon, linger
and anticipation of plunging a fork
into crackling pastry,
splitting flaked almonds
revealing glistening gold
and the scent of late autumn.


Haws, hips and sloes
on heath and hillside.
Wine dark jewels
and crimson rosehips.
Dusty sloes pepper canal paths.
Bright orange berries hang on Rowan’s arm.
Magical woodland.
Wise Elderberries know their fate.
We celebrate
with hedgerow liqueur,
majestic jam
and jelly.
behind a garland of green
a cluster of shiny blackberry eyes


Thursday, 12 May 2016

Ekphrastic poetry: Please Forget Me Not

On a bed of green algae
in the river Ewell
She sways, gently
As reeds stand erect in the breeze
Delicate neck framed
with garland of withered violets
fingers splayed
as fritillary floats between cloth and water’s edge
Scattered meadowsweet
Red poppy with black seed
Pheasants’s eye floating near pansies
Dragonfly hovers over open mouth,
Translucent rainbow wings disappear
Please forget me not

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Aspects of reality
which are not supplied by the senses....
like time...
can you see time?
Or can you?
But we are aware of time.
What is time?
Time the elusive
white rabbit runs off
with a pocketwatch
out of sight, down a hole
which leads to...?

Jean d' Insane

When you look at an insane man
all you see
is a reflection
of your own knowledge of what insane is
which is not to see him at all.

To see him
you must see
what he saw
it wasn't me that was crying
it was my eyes
Who is Afraid?

I filled my pockets with rocks
I left you my words on the river bank
To hold, to squeeze, to make sense of my
Existential musings
I am, was, words,
Farewell, ink and thought
Tears on blotting paper
I will find a room of my own

Resting my head on a fluffy cloud pillow

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Alternative Motherhood

She mothers in other ways……

The Empress in a robe of pomegranates
calls you
and leads you
into the lush forest
to stand with the trees
as one
and fill your belly with fallen fruits.

Magdalene dries a frog’s wet feet with her long Venus hair, smiles and receives a croak in return.

The Wife of Bath
A deaf seamstress
sits at the table of faeries
crushing scarlet beetles
to dye tiny clothes for her friends.

Aerial sits on the edge of the boat
dipping her pale flesh into the water,
offering a handcup to the kingfisher.

Tempestina waits for the storm to subside
and sighs
as she spots a ship on the horizon.
They are safe!
She cries.

Gaia’s undulations
comfort a crying face
when there is nobody left.
It is dear Ms.Eyre
hugging the earth,
like a mother.  


Me? I’m Mama tree,
I suckle earth
after clouds burst
I lap it up
until it hurts
then I BUST it upwards
through my labyrinthine veins
To sustain
Your pretty buttercup face
That kisses the rain

You carry me on
After I have gone
I remain
An eternity in your veins
Our sap the same

‘Til we meet again
On a spiritual plane
Never mind the twain,

Mark, or Shania……?
Happiness came!
As the earth sustained
from my labyrinthine veins.